Friday, September 19, 2008

The Joy of Fall

We've been having some beautiful fall weather here in Denver this week. However, as I walk Anna to and from school every day, I've been noticing that the maple trees in our front and back yard are the ONLY ones in the entire neigborhood that are already shedding their leaves. (seriously - no exaggerating!) After chatting with a neighbor, she said these trees have always been like that - they are done dropping leaves by the time everyone else is just starting to rake. Hmmm... guess they just want to be first. Well, whatever the reason is, a little extra wind yesterday created the perfect opportunity for the kids to go outside and try to catch falling leaves. Anna even tried to catch some on her tongue (a la snowflakes). At times it really looked like it was snowing leaves. The kids had so much fun! These are the moments that I cherish and will remember forever.

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